Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What is EEG Signal

An Electroencephalogram (EEG) is a graphical record of ongoing electrical activity produced by firing of neurons of the human brain due to internal and/or external stimuli. EEG measures the changes of the electrical activity in term of voltage fluctuations of the brain within short period of time, usually 20-40 minutes, through multiple electrodes place on the scalp. In the clinical contexts, the main diagnosis of EEG is to discover abnormalities of brain activity refer to the epileptic seizure. A seizure occurs when the neurons generate uncoordinated electrical discharges that spread throughout the brain and epilepsy is a recurrent seizure disorder caused by abnormal electrical discharges from brain cells, often in the cerebral cortex. Another clinical use of EEG is in diagnosis of coma, brain death, and encephalopathies.

Direct communication pathway between brain and  external  device  using  electrodes on scalp known as a EEG  brain signal  capturing technique.

Moreover, EEG can be used in many applications such as emotion recognition, video quality assessment, alcoholic consumption measurement, sleep stage detection, change the brainwaves by smoking and mobile phone usages, etc.


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[7] E. Estrada, H. Nazeran, F, Ebrahimi, and M Mikaeili, “EEG signal features for computer-aided sleep stage detection”, IEEE EMBS conference on neural engineering, April 29-May 2,2009.

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